What is a Black Hole? How does it Form?
Black holes are one of the strangest thing in the Universe. A black hole is a region of space-time exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing even any particles and electromagnetic radiation like light can't escape from inside of a black hole. Stars are massive collection of mostly Hydrogen atoms that collapse gas cloud under their own gravity. In the core nuclear fusion crashes Hydrogen atoms into Helium and release tremendous amount of energy and this energy in the form of radiation pushes against gravity maintaining balance into the two forces. As long the fusion happens in the core of the star remains stable enough. But the heat and pressure of the core allow to fuse heavier elements until they rejoin each other. The fusion process mostly creates Iron that doesn't create energy and iron builds up the center of the star until it reaches to a critical amount. The balance between radiation and gravity is suddenly broken and the core collapses with in a fraction of a second the star implodes and moves into the quarter speed of light and core becomes more massive. Then the star dies in a supernova explosion, scattering much of its matter throughout the universe and produces either a neutron star or if the star is massive enough then entire mass of the core collapses into a black hole. All the matter of a non-rotating black hole collapses into a single point called singularity and for rotating black holes the mass collapses into a circle because of rotation and that is called ring singularity. A massive black hole can swallow a star hole, black hole can also grow by colliding and merging with other black holes.
Pic courtesy: www.wikipedia.org
A black hole is a black sphere that reflects nothing and anything is to close to a black hole is completely disappeared from view. The surface of the sphere of a black hole is called Event horizon if anything passes the Event horizon needs to be travelling faster than the speed of light to escape, anything crosses the Event horizon from outside of black hole then it will be hidden from the rest of the universe. If the mass of a black hole stays the same of the dying star then it is called Stellar mass black hole. A galaxy contains billion and billion stars and all orbiting a central point. The center of most galaxy there is a black hole and that is called super massive black hole because of is tremendous masses, the mass of this type black hole is billions of solar masses. The black hole which is in the center of our Milky way galaxy is 4 million times of solar masses. Different star rotate in different speed. Suppose a star has a mass of 1.5 solar masses now radius has increased and mass stays same then its spinning speed will be decreased but angular momentum never changes it remains constant even a star collapse into a black hole its still have angular momentum. Because of angular momentum black hole creates spinning curve into the space-time. Black hole also has electric charge either positive or negative but until and unless the over all charge becomes neutralized it acts on opposite charged particle of the universe.
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